Dark grey skinned humanoids who walk with a slouched stance, often using their overlarge hands to climb or push off when traveling at speed. Fascinated by any object that reflect light, including well shined leather and large water pools.
During the Lawless age, the Kreck were used by many different factions as mindless footsoldiers summoned against their will from a faraway land. After the fall of their controllers, Kreck often formed small tribes and found out of the way places to hide. Tales of the atrocities performed by the Pinklings became the common folklore of most Kreck tribes and thus they are wary of most common races.
Fae-cursed who approach as leaders of the remaining party members can often negotiate with Kreck, as Krek folklore tell of many "Indomitable" fae-cursed who threw off the powers of evil.
AC -2, HD 1, MV 30, ATK Clubbing Hand (L); Thrown rocks (L) Morale 7